Thursday, December 30, 2010

Boxing day sales, sales, sales

After a busy few days off work, I decided to venture out to Westfield to check out the sales. The sales themselves were not brilliant but the sheer amount of people who managed to fit into one shopping centre was amazing! Every shop in the centre was overflowing with people, you had to queue for about 40 mins in every shop just to buy something that was 10-20% reduced. Me of all people bought absolutely NOTHING!!!! Can you believe it, I was shocked at myself, I tried really hard to find something I liked but I just couldn't find anything worthwhile. Mr M on the other hand bought a shirt, some socks, 'fat boy' sweat bands, trainers, cufflinks and a play station controller!

I think if I'm feeling up to it I'll give the sales another go later this week, who knows I may find something I like. Blogging of sales and not finding anything reminds me of a number of occasions when Mr M took me out shopping and said I'll buy you whatever you like, (usually after he's done something wrong and has some making up to do :) ) and i find nothing I want, how frustrating is that. I mean I am literally being offered a free gift and just can't figure out what I want. I think I am going to have to keep a wish list of things I want and have seen in the shops, this way when the time comes I'll know exactly what I want.

Here's a few things that come to mind for my wishlist so far;

These sandals are from Aldo's new collection

This has to be one of my favourite perfumes of all time

Ladies TAG Aquaracer :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Quote of the week

" The world is three days; As for yesterday, it has vanished along with all that was in it. As for tomorrow, you may never see it. As for today, it is yours, so work on it."

Scholar; Al-Hasan Al-Basree

Courtesy of Rehan Durrani-  chief editor of Islamasaurus

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Islamasaurus is a blog written by a cousin in law of mine, he doesn't update posts very regularly, this is because he likes to research each topic in great detail before writing each post, this way I believe he is able to provide a very well rounded and accurate opinion  in his topic of choice.
I was speaking to him about Muharram and Ashura, he mentioned to me he had written a post about Muharram last year, have a look at his post and let me know what you think.
Here's the link, don't forget to comment on his post. Happy Reading :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I've been slacking in writing my blog lately but in my defence I had exams which only finished on Monday. So now that I am free and have alot more time inshallah you will be reading alot from me. Christmas is always a busy time whether you celebrate it or not, I don't for those of you wondering. Tomorrow I have my work Christmas do, we will be going to the Paramount Restaurant at the top of the Centre Point Tower. We've been promised a great view and even better food, have a look at the link below to see pictures of the breathtaking view at night.

On a more serious note tomorrow is the day of Ashura, the 10th day in the month of Muharram.

Muharram is a sacred month for all Muslims for a number of reasons, firstly it is the first month in the Hijri calendar (Islamic Calendar) and secondly it was reported by Abu Bakr, may Allah SWT be please with him;

"The year is twelve months of which four are sacred, the three consecutive months of Dhu'l-Qa'dah, Dhu'l- Hijjah and Muharram, and Rajab." [Reported by al-Bukhari, 2958]

Being Muslims we all believe in the day of Judgement and without a doubt there will come a time when we will all wish that we had done more good deeds, fasting on the 9th and 10th of Muharram or the 10th and 11th of Muharram is an easy way to gain more brownie point with Allah SWT.
The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, spoke about the voluntary fasting on the day of Ashura;

"It expiates the sins of the preceeding year." [Saheeh Muslim]

Ibn 'Abbas, may Allah SWT be pleased with him, reported;

"The Prophet, peace be upon him, came to al-Madeenah and saw the Jews fasting on the day of Ashura. He asked them about why they were fasting. They replied, "This is a good day, a day on which Allah SWT rescued Baani Israel from their enemy, it is when Musa and his followers crossed the Red Sea miraculously and the Pharoah was drowned in its water. So Musa observed a fast on this day." The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "We have more claim over Musa than you." So the Prophet, peace be upon him, observed fast on that day and ordered the Muslims to observe fast on that day too." [Saheeh al-Bukhari, Muslim]

Ibn 'Abbas, may Allah SWT be please with him, also reported;

"The Messenger of Allah fasted on the day of Ashura and ordered the people to fast too. The people said, "Oh, Messenger, it is a day that the Jews and Christians honour." The Prophert, peace be upon him, answered, "When the following year comes- Allah willing- we shall fast on the ninth." The death of the Prophet, peace be upon him, came before the following year." [Saheeh Muslim, Abu Dawood]

So it actually recommended to fast on the 9th and 10th of Muharram.

There are a number of things, such as voluntary fasts we can do in order to increase our good deeds, remember Islam isn't meant to be difficult. In fact Allah SWT provides us with avenues and opportunities every day to increase our reward and bring us that one step closer to Jannah, InshAllah!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Better late than never ;)

I've been meaning to write this post for a while, well since Eid. I thought it would be nice to show you what Mr M got me for Eid and to ask you guys what you got as Eid presents. Mr M got me the outfit I'm wearing in the pictures below. I don't know about you guys but I really liked the colour combination, its a bit different from what you would usually find.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Everything happens for a reason...............

Sometimes things don't go to plan, in fact many a times this is the case. I don't know about you guys but when I want something to happen and it doesn't I feel very disheartened, but I need to remind myself that there is a reason behind all of Allah SWT's decisions. We don't always see the reason behind Allah's deicsion immediately but eventually when we look back we can see why Allah didn't give us what we wanted at that point.

Here's a really nice story about this;

Once upon a time there was an African king, this king had a very close friend whom he had grown up with. The king's friend had a very positive outlook on life and held great faith in the Almighty Allah SWT. He faced each problem and situation whether positive or negative by believing and saying: "That is good! Almighty Allah knows more".

The king and his friend went off for a hunt one day. The friend was left responsible to load and prepare the weapons for the king but in doing so he made an error in the preparation of one of the weapons, so when the king picked up the weapon to shoot, it took his thumb away. The friend was obviously sorry for his mistake but also believed that there was a reason for this and he said "That is good! Almighty Allah knows more".
The king was angry by this and answered, "No, this is not good", and he commanded the soldiers to arrest his friend and put him in prison.
One year later, the king was out hunting when a group of cannibals appeared, they captured the king and took him back to their village. They tied his hands, and piled up the firewood ready to burn the king. When the cannibals came closer to throwing the king on the fire they noticed that he was missing a thumb. The cannibals were an extremely superstitious group of people and they never ate anyone who had any part of their body missing so they let the king go free and banished him from their village.
When the king arrived back at his town,  he remembered how he had lost his thumb and how today it saved his life.The king felt great remorse for punishing his friend and immediately went to free him. The king told his friend,  "You were right, It was good that I lost my thumb" and continued to tell his friend of what had happened to him. "I am sorry that I ordered you to prison for such a long period. It was a great mistake". "No", the friend said, "That was a good decision, because Almighty Allah knows more". "What do you mean by that? How it can be good decision? I ordered my best friend to prison?" said the king. The friend answered: "Remember that Almighty Allah knows more and if I was not in the prison certainly I would be with you while you were hunting". Then you know what would have happened to me, I may not have been as lucky as you!

"He knows what is before them and what is behind them and to Allah are all affairs turned back". Noble Qur'an, Surah Al Hajj (22:76)

Do not judge the facts or events for the immediate results! Almighty Allah, the Highest, the Omniscient and the Wise, knows more.